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We welcome comments and suggestions that are kindly expressed.

Any correspondence not kindly written will not be fully read, much less addressed. Questions are welcome if they are sincere questions and not judgments and angry pot shots hidden in questions. See our Submission Guidelines below.

For anyone who wants to comment on my experiences and say that they didn’t happen, or say I was experiencing psychological issues etc, please don’t bother. I’m sorry you don’t believe me but I know what I experienced with Jesus and now experience with the Holy Spirit every day of my life and nobody’s opinion will change that. There are thousands upon thousands of accounts of people experiencing God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit and probably just as many who experienced encounters with demons and hell. We can’t all be crazy. If you still doubt me, I encourage you to ask Jesus for your own personal experience with Him. If it feels like pure Love, then you know you were hearing from Him. If you are having trouble with Jesus because you were hurt by people who professed to love Jesus, and they did not express His Love to you, but instead expressed judgment, wrath etc, then I am sorry you experienced that. I have experienced that too . Not everyone who uses His name is a good representative of Him. Please read the New Testament to see Who Jesus really was and how He taught us to treat each other and ask Him to reveal Himself to you personally so you can get to know the Real Jesus. He is all about having a personal relationship with us!

Submission guidelines for those who want to make comments or ask questions:

Please include the actual chapter and verse(s) of the Scriptures to back up what you are referring to. If you are just wanting us to help you find Scriptures that you had heard before, please use an online Bible study tool or a Bible concordance to find it. If you are sharing your opinion, it will still require a Scripture reference to receive an answer. Also, please keep your questions and comments limited to the Scriptures themselves and do not refer to denominational points of view, other books within a denomination, Hermeneutics, etc. This is a Holy Spirit based ministry and our point of view comes from a Kingdom perspective of the Bible with Holy Spirit revelation.  The Bible has many variations of wording, but the message and the teachings are basically the same. It’s ok to have different levels of revelation as we all grow in the Word every time we read the Bible. We should all be in one accord over Jesus and the Holy Spirit, even if we disagree about certain traditions from certain denominations. Jesus promised us the Holy Spirit to help teach us. We should always be asking Holy Spirit for interpretation on everything, even like advice on what to do about work, family, what color would work best to paint the kitchen.  He is that available to us when we let Him dwell in us.

We pray you have a blessed and wonderful day and we look forward to hearing from you.

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